Shining Through;
Creations by Kass


I guess I should introduce myself! Never expected this page to make it further than the people who already knew me, my name is Kassie and this is my super supportive husband RJ who I’ve been with since I was 16 years old. We’re 25 now and we are so grateful to be where we are. About 2 years ago it just seemed like people younger and younger were getting sicker and sicker and that’s when I opened my eyes and started making some changes. I cut out as many toxins as I could and started to make things myself. I just always hated the ingredients on everything and I’ve loved skin care and essential oils and herbal remedies since high school so not all of it was new to me. I’m forever telling my husband “don’t buy that I can make that” or mixing up random things whenever he has the slightest complaint. 🤣 I’m not sure I ever expected to put my creations out there but was always glad to make an extra of whatever it was that I was using if someone asked, but with soo much love and support and people cheering me on to do it I have finally decided to put myself out there with Shining through; I named this in honor of a friend I lost to a battle with mental illness. I always told myself I’ll keep shining for her. So here I am Shining Through; ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you for the endless love, support, shares, compliments, and encouragement. I am so excited to keep creating and help others use simple non toxic ingredients in their lives and learn more as I go! Hope to participate in some farmers markets and vendor fairs next year!